Lob für Dr. Bernhard Baumgartner

Gerne geben wir unseren Seminarbesuchern das Wort:

„Family businesses in turbulent times have to reinvent themselves“ at the FFI 2011 conference in Boston is probably the best I ever attended at FFI.

It provided an in-depth understanding of how turnaround and radical change can be successfully performed in family firms, clearly showing both a significant conceptual mastery of the subject, an a rare track record of first-hand experiences in facilitating an implementing these complex processes.

Carlo Salvato, Associate Professor of Strategy at Bocconi Univerity, Milan; Associate Editor of Family Business Review

Herzerfrischend ist im Rahmen der freitäglichen Veranstaltung “Die optimale Betriebsnachfolge” Ihr Referat “Familienunternehmen und Zukunftsgestaltung” gewesen. Keineswegs als trockene Schilderung sondern mit hintergründigem Humor versehen haben Sie die Zuhörer gefesselt und den Applaus auch sehr verdient.

Anläßlich einer Reise vor einigen Jahren sind wir ins Gespräch gekommen, wobei wir unsere Visitenkarten ausgetauscht haben. Ich hätte damals nicht gedacht, von Ihnen einen derart interessanten Vortrag präsentiert zu bekommen. Haben Sie herzlichen Dank!

Dr. Dietrich Roschmann-Hörburg, Internationaler Reiseleiter und Fremdenführer

FamilyFirm Institute Certificates

FFI Certificate


Business Professional Recognized for Outstanding Achievement

Leading Global Family Enterprise Membership Association Awards Distinguished Certificate


Dr. Bernhard Baumgartner of familyfirm.at has been awarded the Family Business Advising Certificate by the Family Firm Institute, Boston, USA.  The Certificate is presented to individuals who have achieved comprehensive professional knowledge and gained significant expertise that can be used as value to family business owners and family wealth clients. This distinction further ensures that the highest standards in professional best practices will be implemented.  The Family Firm Institute (FFI), Family Business Advising, is designed to increase awareness and exposure to concepts, skills and knowledge necessary to optimize effectiveness as family business advisors and consultants.


“Through completion of the certificate program, Dr. Bernhard Baumgartner has gained a deeper understanding of the needs of family-owned enterprises and the many roles family business and non-family members play, “ said Judy Green, Executive Director of the Family Firm Institute.  Participants have access to cutting edge information and resources for exploring the core disciplines — behavioral science, finance, law and management science — and steps for forming collaborative teams.  FFI provides multidisciplinary educational programs to advance family enterprises worldwide by enabling collaboration between family enterprise practitioners and academics, creating a global network of professionals.


The Family Firm Institute (www.ffi.org), an international professional membership organization of over 1500 individuals and organizations across 50 countries, is dedicated to providing interdisciplinary education and networking opportunities for family business and family wealth advisors, consultants, educators and researchers.  It works to increase public awareness and broaden the understanding of trends and developments in the family business and family wealth fields.  As the dominant form of business organization worldwide, family businesses make a unique contribution to the social vitality and economic wealth of communities.  FFI seeks to increase the understanding of the family enterprise as a fundamental driver of global economic growth and prosperity.


